Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm back!!!

well here i am again we'll see how long it last this time, this first post back is just to clear up all the photos on my camera cuz my memorys full!!!Enjoy turd wads!

cody was back for a bit and was in full mode fuckin up that body straight outta boot camp

my left arms way bigger!


hot dogs and happy trails! all the hot dog in the tree photos were from a day i went fishing and had hotdog bait left so i placed them in funny parts of the tree i wassitting under!

sword fight!

dippin my hot dog in sum maple syrup

a hotdog in captivity

golf course fires!



i didnt do it but it was sure not gunna get past my camera!

chocolate cowgirl!

the WOO!

so giddy!

Damn loose!


i chilled that glass in my freezer allong with a beer and when i poured it a lil bit of it froze up down in the corner it was wonderful!


The bad european influence!

way to much flannel

the drew drunkwich

i regret wearing a flannel, i fit in way to well

believe it or not one of those is related to me and the other is related to joshua hawkins, not even lying straight truth!

ill do it for you when you do 11 drunk pull ups on a spikey beam!

snuggle bandit!

hummus warrior!

i spy a jr. screech!

clappin' o'neil!!!

starein sean!

fathead bob, jaws aaron, cleeclee cleon

mofuquin moth!

i heard so many ted skate jokes that night my dick just knew what to do!

i saw so much tempe that night but it was missin a certain someone so my dick knew what to do!

passed out hawkdaddy!

me and cleon have this thing where i send him pictures of my brother falling asleep really fast in the middle of some activity and this one happend to be drinking milk!

this one was cerial and watching tv!

chris man(pincer)go

this one was doing homework!

they like tagging and toy machine!


I was a brush for halloween!

hunting for a hunter!


grusome twosome!

drunkass Clee

happily drunk clee!

"you did not just take that i have a beer in my hand delte that now!"-mad cleon cuz he didnt have mad dog 20/20

perfect person for my costume!

kermit the shawn!

some bum! LAWLS!

I'm guessing he was hi!

la la sombo!

this was in my truck and i saw it looked like you know what so i added a nut sack!

if only you knew how inoccent he isnt!

the amazing dissapearing derek!

"Ah I filmed a video part, didn't get any pussy from it so why do it again!" - DT



next video title!


you all know the magic behind this!

and this!

whatta woman, straight from a wedding to a steel reserve?

fags, or photo!

shit or photo!

i won't get any closer than this to that!

Looks like i lied!

0mG Lyk3 Br14n 4N|)3r5on!

see not so innocent jaws!

what i tell yah!

dick art!

twice the dick art!

dah beach!

evan okeson's twin sister, works at jamba juice in cali!

ok so all these next pictures are jaws really hi for what i would say is his first time ever getting actually hi, and well the photos don't really give the night any justice because he was going insane it was the best thing i think i saw all year, and the best part of the night was when he started freakin out really bad and he called everyone into the living room he even made yoder wake up and go into the living room then he told all of us to join hands for some reason so we did just so maybe he would calm down and relax a bit but it ends up all he wanted was us to hold hands in a circle and there was like 9 of us doing this and jaws head was down and its just silent for like 5 seconds and then you just here jaws start laughin a lil bit and then he raises his head up with the biggest smile on his face and says " I NEED TECHNO" and the yoder just beat his ass for waking him up to say that!

"aaron its ok man you'll be fine don't listen to them you'll be fine tomorrow i promise your not gunna forget how to skate your just hi right now, ur not gunna have a heart attack eaither"- nick fiorini

tears of joy!

bobble head bobby!

dead sailor look back off a curb, probably out of a manual, go Bobby!

holloween costume minus me!

holloween costume plus me!


joey whitening his teeth but he wouldn't let me take a phot so i had to sneak it out of him!

i got this photo in a email a few days ago from brad just randomly, and the only explanation i have for you is that its at a gay bar and though i forgot his name i didnt forget about his story about the first dick he ever suck, and i do not remember this photo either but thats it for today homophobes, hopefully i'll have more for you tomorrow!

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